March of the Hale spiders
After the magnificent Lady Hale declared to the UK government that the proroguing of Parliament was unlawful, I received several requests to create a spider brooch in her honour. Lady Hale is the president of the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom. She is well known for wearing large brooches depicting caterpillars, butterflies, flower arrangements and the infamous spider. There was a great deal of speculation about her motives on wearing the spider. Was she evoking the story of Athena and Arachne - the tale of hubris? Was she condemning Boris Johnson to weave into eternity by transforming him into a spider? Either way, it captured the imagination of a nation.
This weekend I set to, not weaving, but forming, soldering, polishing silver and setting moss agates for my spiders’ bodies. I intend making lots more next week. Some will have red garnet bodies, others will be flashy blue labradorite and there will be more green moss agate. The spiders measure 40mm x 45mm and are made from solid sterling 925 silver. Each has a brooch back with a locking mechanism to ensure your spider doesn’t run off.
The examples below give you an idea of how they look and their size in relation to a jacket.
The price of these hand-made individual spider brooches is 65 euros plus postage and packing - according to where you live. If you would like to order a brooch please contact me.